How to Make a Magnetic Pen at Home?

Do you need help finding your pen when making notes on what's missing in your refrigerator or keeping other household records? Don't worry, we'll get out of this jam by learning how to make a magnetic pen that can be attached to your refrigerator. The steps for making a magnetic pen at home are as follows:


Step One: Find Your Favorite Pen.

You can buy a pen locally or online; it is best to choose a pen that you enjoy using because everyone's color and brand preferences differ.


Step 2: Get a magnet.

Purchase a magnet that fits your pen's cap and ink pipe; this magnet is available at any local store. Because of its moderate magnetization and demagnetization abilities, as well as its ring shape, it is recommended that you use an R424DIA magnet when making your pen.


Step 3: Remove the ink pipes and caps from your pens.

Remove the ink pipe from your pen. To make room for the magnet in the pen, use a sharp knife to cut the part of the ink pipe that marks the end of the ink. Place a small magnifying glass inside your cap.


Replace the ink pipe and cap in step four.

Replace the ink pipe and cap as they were when the pen was new after successfully cutting and positioning your magnet. Avoid using a heavy magnate because the pen should be lighter.


Step 5: Execution and archiving

The pen can now collect small metallic objects that have fallen to the ground. You can now make a shopping list and replace the magnetic pen that has become stuck to the refrigerator door.